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Edgar Morin, godfather of the rhythm-space harmony

When I speak of complexity, I’m referring to the elementary Latin meaning of the word “complexus”,
“That which is woven together”. The components are different, but we must see, as in a tapestry, the figure of the whole¹. Edgar Morin.

Edgar Morin, philosopher of the Complex Thinking, thinker of this happy and competent multi -disciplinarity that our time needs so much, eternal resistant whose courage did not diminish with the years, was the evident intellectual godfather for the rhythm-space harmony and for the multidisciplinary profile of Isabelle Sabrié. Before everybody else, he immediately acknowledged the validity of her researches, measures and reflections about rhythms, pulsations or time for biology, neurosciences or music, among other disciplines (see published articles), which have received several scientific confirmations since 2017,
Edgar Morin wished to meet her in 2012 after reading her essay Composition esthetics, reflections and transdisciplinary researches for the XXIst century. He then cited her several times, referring to this essay, and their conversation continues until today.

São Paulo, October of 2012

Paris, July the 15th of 2018

Citations of Isabelle Sabrié by the philosopher







In his book Knowledge, ignorance, mystery
Publié chez Fayard en 2017

p81 : “Communication chimique par phéromones, par sons, par chants, par danses (abeilles). Il est très possible, comme l´a perçu la cantatrice Isabelle Sabrié pour les grenouilles, dans son jardin de Manaus en Amazonie, qu´oiseaux, chiens et autres animaux disposent, alors que nous n´entendons que sons répétitifs ou inarticulés, de vocabulaire et de syntaxe liés à un langage gestuel.”

During the debate  Conférence Sans Tabou, Edgar Morin & Jean-Claude Ameisen
“L’Humain et le Biologique“. ESSEC, Paris, 5 juin 2014.
Au sujet des sons et langues animales perçus à Manaus, à 1h22 mn

1.Edgar Morin. La stratégie de reliance pour l´intelligence de la complexité. Revue internationale de systémique. vol 9, nº2, 1995.