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Isabelle Sabrie

Composer, writer

Contact: contato@isabellesabrie.com

French composer Isabelle Sabrié is the author of rhythm-space harmony.

Initially soloist soprano, she was a laureate of the Placido Domingo Opera World Competition, among other international competitions, Opera First Prize of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, graduated in musicology from the Sorbonne-Paris IV, and was internationally invited to sing operas, oratorios or recitals. She interpreted soprano leading roles as Queen of the Night (Lyon) or Zerbinetta (Nice), until Médée, Marguerite of Faust in 2018 for the Festival Amazonas de Ópera. In memoriam Lili Boulanger, recorded with Emile Naoumoff and Olivier Charlier is still played by international classic radios

Her audiovisual composition Zon i Houé about slavery, animated by her singing voice in live the painting of the Beninese Julien Sinzogan, with the support of DICREAM-CNC, LAM-CNRS, PUCEMUSE studios in 2005. In Memoriam 26 décembre 2004, oratorio dedicated to the victims of the tsunami in Indonesia was presented in Paris in 2007 (conductor Xavier Ricour).

Fascinated by the sounds of the Amazonian forest, she moved to Manaus-Amazonas-Brazil in 2007, where she lives now. Her digital opera A Fada e o Girassol premiered in Belém´s Opera, Teatro da Paz in 2012 with an animated movie, and she realized the storm Binaural Fantasmasspatializing sounds and images. Her ballet Floresta Multi Espacial or Insetoïda also used electronic sounds mixed to human sounds. Vento na Árvore, Viajar were created by the Amazonas Filarmônica orchestra conducted by Marcelo de Jesus in 2016, spatialized in the Manaus Opera. In 2019 she began new works of 3D rhythms with popular and jazz groups. She prepares the symphony-ballet Cenas da Amazônia with the Percussions de Strabourg, and her minute opera Flora da Selva, commissioned by the Festival Amazonas de Ópera. 

French philosopher Edgar Morin, intellectual godfather of Rhythm-Space Harmony, cited her in Knowledge, ignorance, mystery for her researches about animal languages. Her articles about Biomimesis and rhythm-space harmony were published in Brazil and Spain. She is also the author of the anticipation novel L´arme d´amour (ed. Nicolas Philippe 2002) about neurosciences of non-violence, neuro-force and democracy. She was a singing Teacher at the Amazonas State University until 2013, Special Artistic Advisor for the Agência Amazonense de Desenvolvimento Cultural until 2020. Since June of 2020 she has been invited to be an artist-expert of the UN group “Harmony with Natureand dedicates herself to composition, multidisciplinar criations Multipolart, conferences and articles about rhythm-space harmony and sciences.