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Compositions of rhythm-space harmony

of Isabelle Sabrié

Music of the pine forest.

the percussions-cicadas of the Mediterranea,  are answering themselves in space, placed around the audience. Insetoïda, inspired on Fernando Pessoa´s poem, was premiered in 2020 during the “Ideas Night” of the French Alliances in Brasília. Initially in multichannel, the composition was altered to suit the 2 channel stereo. Hear with headphones to get some spatial architecture.

Margarita Chtereva, spalla and international soloist of the Amazonas Filarmônica Orchestra, recorded the violin solo in December of 2019. She unexpectedly died in Manaus during the coronavirus pandemic, and her incomparable phrasing and generosity are immensely missing.

Rhythmic floors and mysteries in the forest.
The Rio Negro nightingale is interpretated by Cleudilão Passarinho. Premiered in 2015, this short prelude opened the ballet “Floresta Multi Espacial”, broadcasted by 12 loud speakers, placed below, up and around the spectators, in the beautiful Amphitheater of the Parque do Mindu, in the middle of Nature.

Hear with headphones to get some of the spatial architecture (computer recording).

Symphony- ballet for percussions and orchestra, composition of rhythm-space harmony.
Imagine trumpets and percussions coming from the left, right and back walls of the hall, in addition to 2 piccolos and 2 trombones behind the audience, the rest of the orchestra in front, in scene 1. The slow movement of scene 2 reveals to human consciousness, the ignored worlds with which we cohabit on Earth, such as that of insects: the percussions, the sound of the “wind” moves throughout the hall, the flutes in front answer the piccolos behind, completing a traditional orchestral harmony. In scene 3, the sound of the bongo emerges from the back wall, a djembe from the left side, the conga from the right side, the percussions from all the walls, while the popular drum-djembé soloist and the orchestra are in front:  spatialization and orchestrationThe premiere, delayed by the pandemic, is expected from  2022 with the “Percussions de Strasbourg”, the Amazonas Filarmônica orchestra and the Corpo de Dança do Amazonas.

The incredible awakening of the Amazonian forest. Computer recording, hear with headphones to get some of the spatial balance.

The peace of immense trees shelters a subtle life, where all answer each other (computer recording).

A predator in the Amazonian forest, pursuit. Studio demo, hear with headphones to get some of the spatial balance (computer recording).

The rhythms of the Amazonian night, forest of animal sounds, sometimes human, seem like a giant symphony spread in the whole space, from the ground, in the air or in the water between trees. And the bioinstruments of the Gaponga group, intensely alive, are so precise that the animals answer !
In multichannel or in live, unheard sensations and emotions emerge from the walls and reply to themselves in the whole hall, creating mysterious rhythmic forms. In this stereo, the sound relief, presence and localization translate the spatial sensation. A double biomimetism founds Jazzmazonia : its sound timbres, and its time-space construction by rhythm-space harmony. The “organized disorder” of “different superimposed tempi” that Messiaen was describing about bird songs, gets here its spatial dimension. The world premiere, initially programed for the Festival Amazonas de Jazz of 2020, will occur in July of 2022.

Hear with headphones to get a left-right spatialization (computer recording).

Amazonian “ecologic-technologic” ballet.
Amazonian forest world, humans, megacities and the tragedy of the air pollution. Premiered in Manaus in 2015, during 7 public performances in multichannel (12 separated channels).

Hear with headphones to get some of the spatial architecture (computer recording).
May this music help to fell why environment is so important, and contribute to save lives!